2022 week 5 newsletter
2022 week 5 newsletter Read More »
This year, our season motto is “We build because we can”, and we chose this motto for a good reason. As you may already know, the 2021 competitive season has taken a huge impact from Covid-19, cancelling all in-person events and forcing all competitions to go virtual. Team 7028, however, is doing something different. This year we have decided to drop the competitions and build on our own terms. We’re now meeting in-person in a safe, clean environment to build two robots. See, robotics isn’t just about the competitions, or getting to worlds. It’s about getting together with a team to make something, to learn skills from one another, and to be successful not against others, but with others. We don’t build because we have to, we build because we can.
“We build because we can” Read More »
Following FIRST’s actions in response to the COVID-19 outbreak, team 7028 is indefinitely suspending Battalion Bootcamp. Teams will be refunded as soon as possible. We will reassess the need for this event once public health concerns subside, and take action from that point. But for the time being, we are unsure if the event will ultimately be held. Team leaders please check your email for more information.
Meet Wilson, our 2020 competition robot! Wilson is a trench bot that can shoot from long range, spin the control panel, climb, and score six powercells in autonomous. Come see us compete at the Great Northern and 10K Lakes regionals this season.